The videos below are resources to pair with the online course catalog - the course descriptions and the IB subject briefs linked in the online course catalog. In these videos, experts on those subjects speak directly to the AES student experience and what students enjoy about the course, what they find challenging, and--if applicable--what the difference is between Higher Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL).

Enjoy exploring and considering the possibilities!

Group 1: Studies in Language & Literature

IB English Language & Literature

IB English Literature

IB Self Taught Literature (for multilingual students)


AES DP Coordinator Teresa Hjellming discusses IB School-Supported Self-Taught Literature - what do students enjoy, and what do they find difficult? Self Taught is only offered by the IB at the Standard Level (SL). Students can do any language offered by the IB.

A link to the IB Self-Taught Guide

Back to the Course Catalog

Group 2: Language Acquisition

IB Language ab initio

IB Language B

Group 3: Individuals & Societies

IB Economics

IB History

IB Psychology


Group 4 - Sciences

IB Biology

IB Chemistry

IB Physics


IB Computer Science

IB Sports, Exercise & Health Science

Group 5: Mathematics

IB Math Analysis & Approaches (A&A)

IB Math Applications & Interpretation (A&I)

Group 6: The Arts

IB Theatre

IB Visual Arts

IB Core (required for IB Diploma candidates)

IB CAS Program


AES DP/CAS Coordinator Teresa Hjellming discusses the CAS Program - what do students enjoy, and what do they find difficult?

IB subject brief which details assessments and curriculum - CAS

Back to the Course Catalog for more details. 

IB Extended Essay


AES DP/EE Coordinator Teresa Hjellming discusses the Extended Essay - what do students enjoy, and what do they find difficult?

IB subject brief which details assessments and curriculum - EE

Back to the Course Catalog for more details. 

IB Theory of Knowledge


AES teacher Arpeetaa Tyagi discusses Theory of Knowledge, a course mandatory for all IB Diploma candidates - what do students do in the class, what do they enjoy, and what do they find difficult?

IB subject brief which details assessments and curriculum - TOK

Back to the Course Catalog for more details.